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The Blacksmith Anointing 
  written by Dr. Bruce Heany, D.Min.,LPC

Here is an excerpt from my book “The Blacksmith Anointing”. If you want to purchase the book, please send me an e-mail with your shipping address and click the pay button to make a payment of $10.00 which includes shipping.

“As a Christian therapist I work with a wide variety of people with a vast array of various issues and problems.  Many years ago I believe the Lord commissioned me to step out into a new form of counseling called “blacksmithing”, which is basically forging God’s people into the tools and weapons He originally designed and created them to walk in with Him since the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4). 
At the start of this new ministry anointing, the Lord blessed me with a gift of being able to see in my spirit what tool or weapon each person who walked into my office was originally designed to be.  I saw a diverse collection of tools, weapons, and various instruments, and was frequently astounded by what I believe the Lord told me about the people who were these things.  I must admit it took me some time before I began telling people what I saw, but as people responded with interest and comments about the accuracy of what was spoken over them, my courage grew as did the anointing. 

I saw javelins and spears, which often conveyed a form of prophetic ministry.  I saw anchors that often conveyed a stabilizing force in a ministry setting – someone called to be deeply rooted and grounded in the word.  Often the Lord used medical instruments such as x-ray machines (those who could see deep emotional hurts or internal conflict) or lasers used for surgery in situations where insight, skill and fine precision were called on.  I also saw anvils – people called into positions of sacrifice and pain in order to bring forth fullness in a different tool or weapon.  I also saw weapons such as swords, shields, bombs, gauntlets, knives and so on, relating to the many called into various forms of spiritual warfare.  What an exciting time this was in my counseling ministry.

The next level of this anointing required me to read a training manual on actual blacksmithing.  This was amazing and fascinating as God showed me what the various techniques and procedures used in blacksmithing meant within the context of spiritual blacksmithing.  A blacksmith uses fire to heat metal to a point where it is forgeable.  He then uses a hammer and anvil to shape the heated metal into a useable tool or weapon, which is cooled in either oil or water depending on the strength needed.  A blacksmith also uses a wide variety of tools to grind, trim and polish the item, and bring it to a point of completion.
Spiritually speaking, the blacksmith’s fire symbolizes the fire of God’s presence required to expose impurities (deception, sin, unbelief, etc.) and then separate what is impure from the clean material God needs to forge and shape His tools and weapons.  The hammer and anvil symbolize God’s reshaping of our current condition, helping His people recognize who they are in Christ, and in turn reform the conclusions and interpretations they made about themselves and others.  Even the cooling liquid used in blacksmithing symbolizes the level and depth of the calling on a person - either a five fold ministry anointing (oil) or an individual’s calling (water) as a member of the body of Christ.  There are also a variety of blacksmithing tools and techniques used in the finishing process, symbolizing how even a very useable tool or weapon can be refined to a point of brilliant sharpness.

This level of God’s training program also taught me various ways of walking people through the process of allowing God access into their lives to separate the lies instilled by the enemy from God’s original intent for our lives.  I was amazed by how many hammers had been conditioned to believe they were garbage cans, and how many javelins had never known they could prophetically hear from God.
My desire in the following chapters is to not only give you useable knowledge about the blacksmith anointing, as well as many of the insights God has given to me as I’ve walked in this anointing.  I also believe God is directing me to instill the blacksmith anointing into those of you called to walk in this ministry.  What exciting times we live in – where God’s power is majestically released in the midst of extremely tumultuous times, and the body of Christ is lifted into the fullness of its original intent.  Praise to our Lord and Commander Jesus Christ!”